
M.S. in School of Computing

2019.03 - Current
KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Under the supervision of Professor Sung Ju Hwang.

B.S. in School of Computing (Cum Laude)

2014.03 - 2019.02
KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Double major in School of Computing & Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Gyeonggi Science High School

2011.03 - 2014.02


Improving both Generalization and Adversarial Robustness with Weight Perturbation - Google (2019.10 - 2020.10)
Specialized Deep Learning Models for Automated Inspection Processes - LG CNS (2020.04 - 2020.12)


  • MetaPerturb, Transferable Regularizer for Heterogeneous Tasks and Architectures
  • J.Ryu, J.Shin, H.B.Lee and S.J.Hwang
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.07540 (2020).

    Skills & Proficiency

    Python & Pytorch